The entire family drove down to Las Vegas to pick me up from the airport and we stayed over for the night. This is the girls in front of the coolest attraction in Vegas ,Chief Eagle Feather. the only kid appropriate thing to do in Vegas. They are all very pleased with them selves as they were just about to be turned loose in a gift shop with a entire dollar to spend. Wow we are so stinking cheap. Do you ever wonder what horror story your children are going to come back to tell about you. Ours is going to be Mom and Dad sent us in to a store with so little money we couldn't actually buy any thing in the store except for the shot glasses and ashtrays that said LAS VEGAS WHERE EVERY THING IS SEXY written all over them from the clearance section.
No really we had a great time with G-ma and G-pa and the kids had a great time. It is good to be back in Good old St. George though.
Talking about things I've learned or relearned , I had a funny experience at a family get together, where the subject came up whether or not I should laugh on camera or not. I should note I was not in the room when this came up, but walk in a while into the conversation, and could not figure out for the world why my personality and laugh became a discussion firstly, and secondly why they would rip it apart in front of me. It was a very funny moment . So I tell you all this experience for the simple reason if I laugh on camera and any of you happen to see it, and you are all terribly embarrassed to be my friends or family. I'm so sorry! And I don't want to hear about it! But I'll keep laughing anyways , I wouldn't be me with out it.
Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote I'll try to do better .